When Time Runs Out: Are You Ready for What Truly Matters? Two

Recognizing and embracing our mortality can often push us to live more purposefully and focus on what truly matters. It's remarkable how, when faced with the reality of limited time—such as receiving bad news about their health—people often gain clarity about what they need to say and do. They make amends, express love, and repair relationships with an urgency that only the awareness of a ticking clock can bring.

Yet, when we believe we have years ahead of us, we tend to procrastinate on the most important things. "I'll do it tomorrow... next year," we tell ourselves. We plan our lives as though time is infinite, prioritizing things that often don't matter while neglecting what does. We take our relationships for granted, including our relationship with God. And when the unexpected happens—when death arrives—we're often unprepared.

As an Adventist, I firmly believe in the message that Jesus is coming soon—very soon. Whether He returns by parting the clouds or whether you are laid to rest tomorrow, His coming will happen within your lifetime. This truth should inspire urgency and readiness in how we live each day.


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