Riding the Beast: The Church’s Unholy Alliance with State Power
In America, although Christians profess belief in one God, one baptism, and one gospel, there are more than 31 distinct flavors of Christianity—and we tend to think this is perfectly normal! Unfortunately, we fail to see how this "confusion" among conflicting creeds and doctrines severely hampers the gospel's ability to reach those outside of Christendom. How can a God who declares, "I do not change," appear so divided? The truth is, He isn’t—we are. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but the truth remains absolute: God, in Christ, has provided all mankind with the same truth and the same gospel. The problem is, we haven’t all accepted it.
Unity within Christendom will come, but not because we’ve embraced all the light God has graciously given us up to this point. Instead, this unity will emerge from a convergence around common points of doctrine, while those deemed "non-essential" will be discarded. Under this semblance of unity, Chrisendom (symbolized as a woman) will find herself wielding power over a massive, formidable beast (symbolizing state authority and power), poised to cause significant harm. Fueled by the (Nebuchadnezzar/Babylonian) delusion that this nation is invincible and will not fall, it will attempt to force national Christian worship (set up an image) in a misguided effort to appease an angry God to save our nation.
The Church, likened to a woman, has all but abandoned her true husband, Christ, to mount, ride, and form an unlawful union with the beast—symbolizing the merging of church and state. Brace yourself for what lies ahead. If you find yourself caught up in the tide of Christian nationalism, heed this warning: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues" (Revelation 18:4). This move to unite church and state is an act of spiritual adultery. Despite their delusion, God will not bless it—He will curse it.