Unmasking the End-Times Agenda: What the Kings of the North and South Teach Us
IIf you ever believed that the right and the left are working together to bring about the end times, you've been misled. This is a deception born of false prophets and false teachings, orchestrated by Satan.
Consider history:
- Babylon, the King of the North, did not ally with Egypt, the King of the South.
- The papacy did not collaborate with atheists.
- Similarly, the right is not working with the left to facilitate the end times. Both are enemies of truth and God's purpose, but they are not united in their opposition.
Throughout history, as depicted in Daniel 11, the King of the North (the right) and the King of the South (the left) have always been in conflict. They’ve never aligned, and yet both oppose God. The prophecy makes it clear: the King of the North ultimately defeats the King of the South. Babylon (the King of the North) triumphed over Egypt (the King of the South). They weren’t collaborators; they were adversaries.
Right now, the King of the North, representing the right, is prevailing. This is their moment in history, and they are winning because many have been completely deceived. Those following false prophecies or misguided interpretations of scripture—whether from right-wing sources, and apostate church prophets, or similar influences—are missing the truth.
The truth is this: the King of the North, who seeks to exalt himself above God, will dominate the King of the South, who outright denies God. These two powers represent different aspects of rebellion:
The King of the South (atheism) echoes Pharaoh’s rejection of God in Exodus. Pharaoh declared, “Who is this God that I should serve Him?” His denial of God was total, as Egypt represented the rejection of all divine authority.
The King of the North (Babylon) acknowledges God’s existence but seeks to place his authority above God's. Nebuchadnezzar, for example, heard God’s word through Daniel but still sought to elevate his own power and word above divine authority. He built an image for people to worship, demanding reverence for himself as if he were God.
These two forms of rebellion—denying God entirely and exalting oneself above God—are distinct but united in their opposition to God’s truth. Yet, they do not work together.
Satan, who aspires to set his kingdom “on the sides of the north,” has always sought to usurp God’s place as the true King of the North. The north symbolizes heaven, the sancturary, the seat of God’s throne. On the "North" side of the sancturary is the table of shewbread which represents the bread of life -- The word of God. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that preceded out of the mouth of God."
Satan's ambition, like the symbolic king of the north, Nebuchadezzer, wants to rule and put >his< word above the word of God. It is not to coexist with atheism. He desires ALL worship, and atheism—by denying all gods—stands in the way of his ultimate goal -- to be God and stand in his place!
Thus, atheism (the King of the South), the “left”, and any other system that does not acknowledge “god” will fail in America and the world. Satan cannot achieve his ultimate purpose if people remain atheists, as they won't worship him or any god. This is why the King of the North defeats the King of the South in the end.
To sum up:
The right (King of the North) and the left (King of the South) are not working together.
Both oppose God, but they are adversaries, not allies.
The King of the North temporarily triumphs, but ultimately, he (Barabbas/Satan) will face God’s judgment.