The Final Scenes of Earth’s History: Christian Nationalism and Lucifer’s Legacy
How could Lucifer persuade a third of the highly intelligent angels to join him in rebellion? It certainly wasn’t by blatantly declaring, “Hey, let’s be wicked, cause chaos, and defy God!” Such a direct approach would have never succeeded. Instead, his methods were subtle, deceptive, and highly manipulative.
Like with his temptation for Adam and Eve, Lucifer began by planting seeds of doubt about God’s character. He insinuated that God was unjustly holding the angels back, restricting their potential. According to Lucifer, God's government stifled their progress, consigning them to stagnant, subservient positions when they could achieve so much more. As the highest-ranking angel, he claimed unique insight into these so-called limitations.
Playing the role of a humble advocate, Lucifer positioned himself as their representative—someone who would fight for their freedom and potential. He painted himself as a selfless mediator, promising to secure "angelic freedom" and greater possibilities for them all.
This same strategy is at work today within Christendom, and tragically, many Christians have fallen for it. Some even believe that Christians in America are experiencing persecution. In reality, they have little understanding of what true persecution actually is. In the name of Christian FREEDOM, Satan, through Christian nationalism, is setting up the final scenes of earth's history. ---- A most of Christendom haven't a clue!