Enforcing Dogmas: Protestant America’s Role in the Final Deception

While Satan has caused many Protestant Christians, including many SDA Christians, to scream, “The LEFT, the LEFT, they are the biggest threat and are causing most of the wickedness in the world,” Satan uses the RIGHT (in the name of God) to attack truth and go after God’s people.

SDA Christians, did you not know that this was Satan’s plan all along?

Did you not realize that Babylon, the king of the North, has always focused on Jerusalem, the people of God? Did you not know that Egypt, the king of the South, attacked Babylon from behind just as Babylon was about to strike Jerusalem? Yes, this literally happened as a “type.” Babylon had to temporarily turn its attention away from attacking Jerusalem to deal with Egypt, the king of the South. In fact, the king of the North responded to the king of the South with chariots, horsemen, and many ships, signifying a powerful military campaign.

But after Babylon defeated Egypt, leaving it limping and virtually powerless, the king of the North turned back, invaded, and dominated many lands, including "the Glorious Land," Jerusalem—the people of God.

The antitypical domination of the king of the North has commenced. Yet you have been so misdirected (Shammgod-ed) that you still believe the king of the South—the LEFT—was the BIG threat that needed to be dealt with. Many of you will be, or already are, cheering as Protestant America “enforces her dogmas and sustains her institutions with civil power and resources.” Even now, as Protestant America is literally, at this very moment, creating an image to the Roman hierarchy, many of us are still riding Trojan horses and wrestling strawmen.

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