Coming Back to Mama’, The Whore of Babylon

I know that God is blessing you my Christian Protestant friends; but at the same time, you are weary and tired of this world. Both can be true. Each and everyday, there is pain and sorrow, crime and corruption, and moral failings on every side. This world has gone stark raving mad. Aside from some things that we may already be doing and advocating for-- with certain measures, mandates, and policies, we know that only God can fix all of this mess.

Are you a Protestant who is calling for this nation, this world, to come back to God? Yes? No? Maybe? If your answer is Yes, do you realize that the Papacy agrees with you? The Papal hierarchy also believes that this nation has to get back to its' Judeo-Christian roots. There was a time, in old Europe, when the Papacy dominated things and ruled everyone, even kings. Nearly everyone belonged to the Catholic church. There was only one church or one religious body. Catholic actually means "universal." However, all who "belonged" to or paid homage to the Pope did not voluntarily do so. Along with indulgences and the sufferings of purgatory, there were excommunications, imprisonment, torture, and death by hangings, drownings, beheadings, and being burned at the stake for speaking against and disobedience to church dogma.

How was the Papacy able to wield such power? In part, because they were wedded to the government or to the monarchy. The government was the muscle or the enforcement. The church laid down the "laws" for everyone to adhere to. There was no separation between this religious power and the power of the state. It is almost where they fed off of one another. Yet, in spite of the atrocities, darkness, and death at every hand, there were millions who protested and stood for their faith. They chose imprisonment and death over homage to the Papacy. When Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Schlosskirche (Castle Church), Wittenberg, on October 31, 1517 because he was dissatisfied with several practices of the Roman Catholic Church, he sparked a religious revolution that came to be known as the Protestant Reformation.

The Protestant Reformation/Revolution continued in which German princes and cities presented a defense of *freedom of conscience* in 1529 against an edit of the Catholic Hierarchy intended to suppress the Lutheran movement. Well, my Protestant friends, we should have a pretty good idea of the rest of the story. Over time, there was further and further separation from the "Mother Church." The "children" had grown up and left home, because they were studying the Word of God for themselves and saw increasingly that what they read was not matching up to the dogma of the "Mother Church." Seeing some newly discovered truths in the Word and building upon or settling upon some portion, several denominations began to proliferate, In North America, there was "The Great Awakening" where there was even more of a burgeoning of different Christian denominations and stripes of Protestantism. There was such a consummate separation from the "Mother Church," that in some circles, the United States, was labeled "Protestant America."

We learned that we should never go back. We learned that we should not allow the government to interfere with any religion. We learned that no religion should wed itself to the government where it becomes the enforcement for any dogma or sectarian beliefs. We learned that for every citizen, there should be freedom of conscience. That was what the Protestant Reformation was all about. Yet, sadly many of us have forgotten the history and the lessons learned and/or are caught up in the "Nebuchadnezzar Syndrome." Because the fact of the matter is that even though there is a great gulf between Protestant and Catholic beliefs, there are a few that we agree on, such as the Triune God, and other commonalities.

So just like the Papacy, we are hopping on the same bandwagon, on these commonalities, to "bring this nation back to God," and in the same pernicious manner as the Papacy did in making people conform during the Dark Ages. Protestant America wants many of the same things the Papacy wants-- in christianizing America. There is now taking place, and it has actually been going on for decades, stealthily and steadily, the reversal of that separation. The children had grown up and became more independent from the "Mother Church" and more dependent upon the Holy Spirit in digesting the Word, but now, for some strange reason, they're going back to "Mama, the Whore of Babylon." Protestant America, or more accurately "apostate Protestantism" want public schools to be christianized. They want the public prayers in public schools and Ten Commandment plaques hoisted up on the walls, etc.

Should I say it again? It's the "Nebuchadnezzar Syndrome." But what is good for the gander is good for the goose. The transposition was intentional. Accordingly, state officials in the state of Oklahoma have approved a request from a local Roman Catholic archdiocese to operate a public charter school. This means that a public school would be converted to a religious school funded by tax payers. Such a move screams violation of the First Amendment. But in the lyrics of Aretha Franklin, "Who's Zoomin' Who?" Is the Catholic hierarchy copying the ways of Protestant America or is it in reverse? For Protestant America actually has been leading out and pushing hard to "christianize" public schools far more. It almost seems as if the Catholic hierarchy has been lying low or waiting for openings by her "prodigal children."

Please note that historically, the Papacy loathed "religious liberty" which is a bedrock of Protestant America closer to its' origins. Thus, the Papacy is more than "happy" for Protestant America to pave the way for them to show them how to really get the job done in depriving individuals of their religious liberties and to rule by legislation (legislation--is usually the starting point), coercion, force, punishment, and death. Welcome back little children!! I am your "Mama Whore."


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